Saturday, March 3, 2012

3 years later

Oh my, I cannot believe it's been 3 YEARS since my last post, which is a statement to how quick it's gone, how busy it's been, and how fast time flies. Well, I'm happy to report we have successfully (well, sort of) survived the two. The boys were potty-trained at 3. Let's just say boys are filthy! How do they miss a target that big? The sword fight, stream fight during potty time, and have even put their heads in the stream! What!?! I'm fascinated by the fact you simply don't have to teach boys about the sleep button, how to work together towards destruction, nor how to strategize together to defeat their sisters.

I swear, every week, or day for that matter, we have some fun, crazy story to tell. Last week, they discovered the thrill of shoving anything and anything down the toilet. The result, $11k damage in a flooded basement. This week, I looked away for a moment and they threaded the mop through the spindles of our railings and used the stick as a tight rope to walk over. Oh my lord, thanks goodness I caught them before they made the big attempt.

Another real fun experience was what I call the curtain rod disaster. They always party after we put them to bed, but that night was different. I heard a real strange sound, which merited yet another trip upstairs to ensure their safety. I'm so thankful I did. I walked into the room and Jack (naturally) had ripped the curtains down, and was hold the iron curain rod. He had used it as a bat and was standing in pool of broken glass. What a party it had been. He broke all the glass around the light bulbs, the light bulbs were broke and shattered EVERYWHERE. After I made sure they were safe, mom went nuts. After changing all three bed sheets, picking up pieces of glass, and vacuuming the room, I passed out. Yup, we all survived...barely.

As the boys grow, explore and experiment with anything around them, the girls are growing up. Alli, our sweet oldest, continues to amaze us with her singing, violin playing, flute playing, gymnastics, science fair, and academics. In one day she was a finalist for Cheyenne science fair, became math master, and performed in all-city choir, symphony and band. She's simply an amazing girl.

Madeline is our little genius book worm. She reads a book a day, literally, and is a top performer in school. I love to see her competitive nature come out, and no goal is too big or hard for her...she'll reach it. We call her the pet whisperer as she has a way with any, and all pets. They simply love her. I'm convinced some day she'll be a veterinarian or a lawyer.

Then there's Olivia, my little cuddle bug and Gracy Bear. She's our little performer. I knew from the beginning she'd be in front on stage. She recently sang "What a Wonderful World" in a talent show and brought tears to many eyes. Her voice is beautiful and strong, and she shines when she's performing. I think we've only seen the beginning of this little girl. She love life, new experiences, and has this confidence about her that is magnetic. She's quite the dancer too. We have a hip hop dance off regularly in the kitchen. I love it!!

Well, I'll update more, at least more regularly than every three years!

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