Monday, February 9, 2009

It's been 8 months, 3 days and 2 hours since I became a mother of 6 (but who's counting)! While I'm settling into our daily routine, the new level of noise and pace of activities, it still seems surreal when I look at all these kids in our house. 12 years ago when we got married, I would have never imagined this huge Brady Bunch sized family, but I couldn't envision it any other way now.

My husband is the talented writer, so it was appropriate that he start a blog ( to document this incredible journey. He has a way with words and provides such an amazing perspective. As you might imagine, my lense is a little different so I thought it would be fun to provide a mom's view into our crazy life. So, here it goes. It's a little like starting backwards given our boys are 8 months old and our girls are 8, 5 and 4, but as I'm discovering with everything in life, it's never to late to start, right?!?